Last week I worked with over 10,000 files of tabular data, each with about 50,000 rows and
10 columns separated by a '|'. This is the kind of problem that falls in the uncanny
valley between small and biggish data. My goal was to make some quick checks and, if
possible, concatenate the files into a single csv
file I could load into Python.
The first step was to make sure that the number and order of the columns was the same for all files:
head -q -n 1 *.dat | sort | uniq
While the revealed that not all headers were the same, the differences were insignificant. For example, some files used "NET_CHANGE" while other used "NET CHANGE". One file seemed to quote the first line. Other files were terminated with carriage return and new line pairs. But worryingly, some files seemed to start with an empty line. I didn't know if these files were empty, or if they have a different format. I made a list of the files, and opened a sample:
head -n 1 -v *.dat | grep -B1 -E $'^\r$'
It turned out that these files had an extra empty line terminated by a carriage return on the first line. Lucky. I removed the carriage returns and the empty lines and all the files:
sed -i $'s/\r//' *.dat && sed -i '/^[[:blank:]]*$/ d' *.dat
Now all the headers appeared to be about the same, and I shouldn't have any empty lines. Still, I took a second look:
grep -E $'^$' *.dat
At this point I noticed that some file sizes were only big enough to hold a header line. Looking at their tails proved my suspicion correct. I deleted them using vim:
:r !du -ckhs * | grep "^4\.0K"
:w !sh
At this point I went ahead and concatenated the files. Since I only wanted to preserve
one header, I used awk
head -n1 2023_04_27.dat > all.txt
awk FNR!=1 *.dat >> all.txt
du -h all.txt
wc -l all.txt
The result was one file with a little under six hundred million lines. Because I wanted a
file, I removed any existing commas, and changed the separator from '|' to ',':
sed -i 's/,//g' all.txt && sed -i 's/|/,/g' all.txt
I also checked that the resulting file wasn't jagged, and it wasn't:
cat input.csv | grep -v "^#" | awk "{print NF}" FS=, | uniq
At this point I could have fired Dask
, but I thought I could do better and reduce the file
to something Polars
could handle. After taking a look at the original files, I suspected
some redundancy. For example, one column showed the three character product code, another
had the numerical code, and another a product description. This suggested I could use one
of the codes as a key I could use to map to a second file with the numerical code and
description. Using shuf
I made a sample, split it, and recovered the original file using
and diff
. Nice. The file could be divided, and doing that reduced the size of the
data be over 60% without loosing any information.
cut -d',' -f1,4-7,8 all.txt > px.csv
cut -d',' -f2-3,5-6,11 all.txt | sort | uniq > description.csv
Now the final file was small enough for me to inspect locally with polars